From a very young age I have had an interest in fashion but as the years passed, bringing up a family and several careers later I realised I wanted to be a milliner. Hats became a passion and after training under the direction of several highly skilled milliners in the UK and abroad I set up business as Jennifer Rose Millinery.
My inspiration is drawn from nature itself, the seasons being a big influence on my designs. Autumn is a particular favourite of mine where we are surrounded by colours such as mulberry, chestnut, ochre and copper. Spring blossoms every year, bringing forth new fresh green leaves of many shades followed by summer when fashion explodes with vibrant palettes of colour.
Today we have a plethora of fabrics available to us and I love using silk, felt, tweed, sinamay, leather and many more, each with its own personality. Creating a hat for a client is a privilege and such an exciting thing to do, although perhaps confined to a shape and colour the rest of the design flows freely and takes on something quite unique every time.
Just like an artist who paints endlessly without a commission, a milliner will happily make a hat for the sheer love of expressing his/her artistic flair.
Jennifer x